A-Z of “two sessions” talking points(“A到Z”:2015中国两会热点关键词)
The plenary sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), popularly known as the “two sessions”, are kicking off this week. What will be the big talking points? We have compiled a list of 26 hot topics, in accordance with the 26 letters in the English alphabet.被称作“两会”的全国人民代表大会(NPC)与中国人民政治协商会议(CPPCC)本周拉开大幕。今年的两会有哪些看点?我们以26个英文字母为索引,为你梳理26个两会热点话题。
Kick off:kick本意是“踢”,kick off 本意是指足球比赛开场的中线开球,引申义为(活动、比赛)开始 in accordance with:依据
A|Anti-corruption 重拳反腐
The Chinese government has adopted a zero-tolerance approach in fighting corruption since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in November 2012. In 2015, China's top anti-graft watchdog(之间的新闻见过多次) said it will net more “tigers” and “flies” - corrupt government officials at both higher and lower levels - and combat graft in State-owned enterprises (SOEs). But how to build a long-term mechanism to supervise the exercise of official power requires suggestions from NPC deputies and CPPCC members.2012年11月的中共十八大以来,中国政府对待反腐采取“零容忍”的态度。2015年,中国反腐监察机构表示将继续“打虎拍蝇”,并开辟国企反腐的战场。但是,如何建立权力监督的长期机制,仍需两会代表献策建言。
B|Breakup of Monopolies 破除垄断
Although China has eased market access in many industries and started SOE reforms in a bid to mobilize private investment and break monopolies, there is still a lot to do to achieve fair competition. Experts believe the private sector will reap more fruit this year.(注意这个比喻说法)尽管中国已经放宽许多行业的市场准入门槛并开始国企改革,以调动私人投资,破除垄断,但如何实现社会资源平等竞争还大有空间。专家预计,今年民营经济在这方面将有更多收获。
C|Check of Power 简政放权
In the past two years, China's central government has prioritized the task of cutting red tape(官僚习气) and delegating power to lower-level governments. Altogether, 798 administrative approval items have been canceled or delegated to local governments. The move has curbed corruption and stimulated entrepreneurship(又是我们见过的老词). More progress can be expected in the area.过去两年,中央政府简政放权成为改革重头戏,国务院累计取消和下放798项行政审批事项,有力地防止了腐败,激发了创业激情。这方面还会更有新进展。
D|Democracy 中国式民主
In February, the CPC Central Committee published a document proposing to promote "consultative democracy". Consultative democracy - defined as a democratic pattern in which, led by the CPC, all sections of society are consulted on major issues before and during policy-making processes - helps Chinese people take part in the country's governance and makes sure that diverse voices can be heard and consensus can be reached. The two sessions are perfect examples of China exerting consultative democracy and offer a window for people to observe and understand China's democracy.(仿写作文素材 Sth. offer a window for people to observe and understand sth. )2月,中共中央印发《关于加强社会主义协商民主建设的意见》,将协商民主定义为“在中国共产党领导下,人民内部各方面围绕重大问题,在决策之前和决策实施之中开展广泛协商,努力形成共识的重要民主形式。”而“两会”正是“协商民主”的绝佳体现,这为关注并试图理解中国式民主的人们提供了视角。
E|Engines 经济引擎
In early 2015, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang put forward a fresh concept at Davos – “Two engines”: “To transform the traditional engine of growth by focusing on increasing the supply of public goods and services” and “To foster a new engine of growth by encouraging mass entrepreneurship and innovation.” In 2015, China is sure to take steps to fuel the "two engines" so that the economy can maintain a medium-to-high speed of growth and achieve a medium-to-high level of development.李克强总理在瑞士达沃斯年会上发表演讲时首次提出“双引擎”概念:一方面要改造升级传统引擎,扩大公共产品和公共服务的供给;另一方面要培育打造新引擎,推动大众创业、万众创新。2015年中国将采取措施为“双引擎”加油,使其释放能量助推中国经济保持“双中高”——实现中高速增长、迈向中高端水平。
F|"Four Comprehensives" “四个全面”(我天,这不就是我昨天发的政治内容么)
CPC mouthpiece the People's Daily has carried a series of editorials prior to the annual legislative session, expounding the concept of the "Four Comprehensives", first raised by Xi Jinping in December. The concept includes comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society, deepening reform, advancing the rule of law and strictly governing the Party.(四个全面的英文表述) The concept, drawing wide spread attention from home and abroad, is expected to be the main theme of the legislative session.两会前, 《人民日报》发表系列评论,阐述习近平去年12月首次提出的“四个全面”——“全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面推进依法治国、全面从严治党”。这个新提法受到了海内外的广泛关注,被认为将成两会“主旋律”。
G|GDP 经济增长GDP(GrossDomestic Product);
At the opening meeting of the NPC session on Thursday, Li Keqiang will reveal this year's GDP target when delivering the government workreport. It is the subject of much anticipation at home and abroad. Most Chinese provinces lowered their GDP targets for 2015 at previous local legislativesessions.3月5日的人大会议开幕会上,李克强总理在《政府工作报告》中将披露今年GDP增长预期目标,这是一个海内外普遍关注的悬念。在此前召开的地方两会上,绝大多数省份都下调了2015年GDP增长目标。
H|Hong Kong 香港
2014 was an eventful year(多事之秋) for Hong Kong. The Shanghai-HongKong Stock Connect program kicked off trading. Guangdong and Hong Kong liberalized their service trade, and the Guangdong free trade zone (FTZ) was approved. Meanwhile, the illegal "occupy" protest movement negatively impacted Hong Kong's development and reform to its political system. Differences of opinion between people from the mainland and Hong Kong have surged.2014年对香港特别行政区来说喜忧交加:“沪港通”开锣、粤港基本实现服务贸易自由化、广东自贸区获批;与此同时,长达两个多月的“占中”非法集会也对香港的发展与政制改革带来不良影响,两地人员交流往来也出现了一些摩擦。
I|Innovation 创新
Innovation is an engine to China’s development, and reform is an ignitor to the engine. As the economy enters a "new normal", and growth slows, China's economy will rely more on innovation to drive its growth.创新是中国发展的新引擎,而改革是必不可少的点火器。在经济步入新常态、增速明显放缓的大趋势下,中国经济更加需要依靠创新驱动。
J|Jobs 就业/创业
The number of jobs forecast to be created this year will be revealed at the annual legislative session. In the past two years, despite an economic slowdown, the number of newly-created jobs has increased steadily. China is promoting employment through encouraging business start-ups, cutting red tape and delegating power to lower-level governments.今年中国决心创造多少新就业岗位,将在两会中披露。近两年,在经济增速放缓的同时,新增就业人数却稳步上升。中国正在用激励创业、简政放权的办法推动就业。
K|Key Policies 关键政策
China's fiscal and monetary policies in 2015 under the circumstances of slowed economic growth are the key focus of the two sessions.在经济增速放缓的情况下,中国如何制定2015年的财政政策与货币政策,将成为两会的重中之重。
L|Law 法治
2015 has been defined by the Chinese leadership as “the first year of comprehensively promoting the rule of law”. The two sessions are expected to address legal and judicial aspects in detail: for example, a bill to amend the Legislation Law.2015年是中国全面推进依法治国的开局之年。两会将具体细化依法治国各项任务,如审议立法法修正案草案。
M|Military 国防军事
China's military expenditure will definitely become one of the most discussed topics during the two sessions in Western and domestic media. The question China faces is how to build and manage a stronger army in new conditions.两会将披露一个海内外极其关注的数据:中国的军费。新形势下中国如何治军强军成为关注焦点。
N|New Normal 新常态
"New normal" is a buzz word in 2014 and it will be the first appearance of the word at the two sessions since it became a guideline for Chinese leaders in economic policy-making.“新常态”名列2014年度中国十大新词语榜首,并已经成为领导人制订经济政策的依据。今年两会,是“新常态”一词成为政策话语后的第一次两会。
O|Opening up 开放
China became a net(net 表示净已经提过很多次了) foreign investor for the first time in 2014. However, foreign capital still plays a vital role in the Chinese economy, especially in improving the quality and efficiency of growth and in driving innovation. In 2015, China will further open up its service sector, guided by experience distilled from the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.2014年,中国第一次成为对外净投资国。但是,外资对中国经济仍然必不可少,特别体现在经济提质增效和创新驱动发展等方面。2015年,中国将继续扩大多个领域对外开放,同时推广上海自贸区经验。
P|Pollution 污染问题
“We will resolutely declare war against pollution as we declared war against poverty,” said Premier Li Keqiang at the parliamentary sessions last year. A poll has showed that pollution control and environmental protection remains one of the biggest areas of public concern ahead of the two sessions.“我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。”去年两会上李克强总理的这句话掷地有声。网调显示,污染问题和环境治理是今年两会前最受公众关注的话题之一。
Q|Quality 质量
China will not pursue statistical growth single-mindedly, but try to strike a balance where industrial transformation and upgrading and a rational growth rate can all be achieved. The country is embarking on(着手) a development path characterized by efficiency, quality, sustainability and steadiness.中国表示将不再简单追求增长速度,而将在转型升级与保持合理增长区间内找到一个黄金平衡点,追求有效率、高质量、可持续、更稳健有力的发展。
R|Reform 改革
This year has been defined by the top leadership as a crucial period for deepening reform. In which fields will these reforms take place? The government work report will give the answer.用领导人的话说,以全面深化改革为特征的中国新改革今年进入了关键之年。改革将在哪些领域落笔?《政府工作报告》将给出答案。
S|Silk Road 丝绸之路
It is widely expected that more tangible achievements will be made in the "Belt and Road" networks. At their local legislative sessions, 31 Chinese provinces, cities and autonomous regions said they would actively participate in or support the building of the Silk Road Economic Beltand 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.各方普遍预测2015年将成为“一带一路”(丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路)做深做实的一年。多个省市区在地方两会上表示将积极参与或服务于“一带一路”。
T|Tibet 西藏
2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The Chinese central government's policies on governing Tibet will attract attention from reporters home and abroad.2015年是西藏自治区成立50周年。中央治藏政策将是海内外记者们关注的话题。
U|United States 中美关系
Xi Jinping is scheduled to pay a State visit to the United States in September. Last year, China and the United States reached consensus in aspects including visa arrangements, trade and military trust. The two sides also released the landmark China-U.S. Joint Announcement on Climate Change. Reporters will try to get some hints on how China and the United States will rise above their differences.习近平主席将于今年9月应邀对美进行国事访问。去年中美就签证互惠、军事互信、贸易谈判等问题达成多项协议与共识,还发表了具有里程碑意义的《中美气候变化联合声明》。未来两国如何拓展合作、管控分歧,各国记者们很可能借两会场合一探究竟。
V|Values 价值观
Authorities believe that moral and ethical education should run through the reform and opening up and influence ordinary people's lives(可用在道德类文章中), with the core socialist values of harmony, integrity and fairness being cultivated.中国正提倡把精神文明建设贯穿改革开放和现代化全过程、渗透社会生活各方面,并大力培育和谐、公正、平等等社会主义核心价值观。
W|World 世界
Given China's fast development and closer ties with other nations, the world cares ever more about Chinese views and attitudes. Attention will be given to a series of regional hot-spot issues and worldwide issues at the two sessions.随着中国的迅速发展和与世界的联系更加紧密,“中国怎么看”正变得越来越重要。一系列全球和地区热点话题将在两会受到关注。
X|Xi Jinping 习近平
The schedule of the Chinese President Xi Jinping will be closely watched. International and domestic media are wondering what he will say when discussing state affairs with national lawmakers and political advisors.国家主席习近平的两会日程引人注目,国内外媒体都关注他与代表委员共商国是时会讲到什么。
Y|Year 承前启后之年
2015 marks the final year of China's 12th Five-Year Plan, and will also usher(开辟引领)in the 13th Five-Year Plan towards the end of the year. The two sessions comes at a crucial period of time in between.今年是全面完成“十二五”规划的收官之年,中国即将开启“十三五”规划。两会恰逢全面建成小康社会承前启后的关键时间点。
Z|Zone 自贸区
A year and a half after the launch of the pioneering Shanghai FTZ, similar FTZs in Guangdong, Fujian and Tianjin have been approved and may have an official kick-off very soon. Experts say they are not simple copies of the Shanghai FTZ, but more regionally integrated, targeted, and differentiated in their functions.中国首个自由贸易试验区正式于上海挂牌近一年半后,粤闽津三个新设自贸区正式挂牌之日渐近。专家认为新一批自贸区并非对上海自贸区经验的简单复制,而是区域化特征明显、目标指向性更强,走差异化道路。