
Computer-education advocates forsake this optimistic notion for a pessimism that betrays their otherwise cheery outlook.

可能这个句子没有多难,但是你知道otherwise 如何翻译么?

otherwise:副词 否则,相反地

  1. 这个副词除了一般词典所指出的“相反的”与“否则”的意义外,有时候还表示“如果不是采取当前的做法(或者不发生当前的情况)就会如何”,也就是“保持原先的状态或做法就会如何”,简化来说,就是相当于中文的“本来会如何”。

    • 例句: In a fight, the otherwise friendly neighbor pounds his head with a brick.


    • The drug would save at least some babies and mothers from their otherwise terrible fate.


    • Take depression. It at least doubles an otherwise healthy person's heart-attack risk .


    • The new medicine saved me from an illness which might otherwise have been hopeless.


    • They exercise a disproportionate influence on our policy, forcing our national leaders to give uncompromising attention to something that would otherwise affect us little.


  2. 但是 otherwise 往往仍保持“另有不同”的意义,其“不同”的对应对象,视具体情况而定。

    • 例句: The program must be reviewed and updated quarterly unless otherwise required by law.


    • This use of the word is now common in clothing advertisements and catalogs but is otherwise rare.

      该单词的这种用法,现已普遍见诸成衣广告与产品目录,但在他处仍然罕见(这里的 otherwise 代替了副词 elsewhere )。

  3. 有时候otherwise是对这个对象的否定。

    • 例句: the stability or otherwise of this resolved and obstinate war Government.

      这个坚定顽强的战时政府的稳定与否(这里的 otherwise 代替了名词 instability )

    • We are shown portraits, prints, and drawings, contemporary and otherwise.

      我们看到了一些肖像、印张、画片,有现代的,有从前的(这里的 otherwise 代替了形容词 not contemporary)

